This is the second part of charging crystals.
There will be other posts on charging crystal over the next few weeks.

You can charge your tumblestones using moonlight by putting them on a windowsill, behind the curtain, so they can charge by absorbing the moonlight.
They will be ready to use in the morning.
The only tumblestone you can’t charge this way is a sunstone.
You can charge a small obelisk or tower by placing it on a windowsill, behind the curtain, so it can charge by absorbing the moonlight.
If you have a large obelisk or tower, you can leave it near a window at night, so it can
charge by absorbing the moonlight.
Take the crystals off the windowsill when you get up in the morning.
You can charge crystal jewellery by putting the item on a windowsill, behind the curtain, so it can charge by absorbing the moonlight

You can charge your tumblestones by placing them on a windowsill during the day, so they can charge by absorbing the sunlight.
The only tumblestone you can’t charge this way is moonstone.
Don’t leave the tumblestones in direct sunlight for too long, otherwise they will get too hot & crack.
It’s best if you take the tumblestones off the windowsill before the sun gets too hot.
You can charge a small obelisk or tower, by placing it on a windowsill during the day, so it can charge by absorbing the sunlight.
If you have a large obelisk or tower, you can leave it near a window, so it can charge by absorbing the sunlight.
Don’t let the obelisk or tower stay in direct sunlight for too long, otherwise it will get too hot & crack. A couple of hours should be long enough.
You can charge crystal jewellery by placing the item on the windowsill, so it can charge by absorbing the sunlight.
Don’t leave the item in direct sunlight for too long, otherwise the crystal part of the jewellery will crack & the metal part will be too hot to touch & could cause a burn.
It’s best if you take the item off the windowsill before the sun gets too hot.
You can use visualization to charge your crystals.
Before you start turn off your mobile, so you won’t be disturbed & lose your focus.
To charge a tumblestone, hold it in your hands, close your eyes & clear your mind.
Visualise a white light surrounding the crystal, cleansing & getting rid of the negative energy. This should only take a few minutes, then your crystal is ready to use.
To cleanse crystal jewellery, hold the item in your hands, close you eyes & clear your mind.
Visualise a white light surrounding the item, cleansing it & getting rid of any negative energy. This should only take a few minutes, then you can wear the item again.
It’s a good idea to cleanse your jewellery once a week, to keep it free from unwanted energy.
To cleanse a small obelisk/tower, hold it in your hands, close your eyes & clear your mind.
Visualise a white light surrounding it, cleansing it & getting rid of any negative energy.
To cleanse a large obelisk/tower, put your hand on top of it, close your eyes & clear your mind.
Visualise a white light surrounding it, cleansing it & getting rid of any negative energy.