Solar Plexus continued
Gut Feelings
Gut feeling means to sense something at a very deep level, this is your solar plexus in action, part of to compare bad & good feelings.
You may have felt butterflies in your stomach, or the entire area tightening up just before an important event happens; this is a sign your solar plexus is closing down a little, pulling in & slightly away from your physical body to protect itself.
The root of your emotions is in this chakra, your emotions are processed through your solar plexus, where fire energy burns them up; the ashes of the burned emotions need to be raked out every so often in order for the fire to continue to burn strongly, the same as a real fire.
The idea is to rise above a constant stream of negative energy – don’t become emotionless & uncaring, but to register, understand & release them.
Your solar plexus will stay in constant balance & is able to stop emotional stress when you do this.
Crystals To Energise The Solar Plexus
You can use yellow topaz or yellow tourmaline to energise your solar plexus.
Yellow Topaz

You can get topaz in many different colours, but choose clear bright yellow for the solar plexus.
You don’t need an expensive cut or polished topaz, a small raw piece will work just as well.
Topaz helps realign energies & brings a golden radiance into your auric field.
It is traditionally a crystal of fortune & love.
Topaz has excellent energetic properties, it is great for helping digestion, gall bladder & liver, plus, it can also help with the digestion of ideas at a mental level.
Yellow Tourmaline

Yellow tourmaline is very focused in a directional manner & can balance the two sides of the brain & the male/female energies.
Use the crystal to cut away, or draw out blockages, rather than placing the crystal on the solar plexus; this helps the solar plexus to function properly, to improve deep sadness, grief, hopelessness, intolerance & stress.
Crystals To Calm The Solar Plexus
A calming/slowing down of energies passing in & out of the chakra will help concentration & general well being, this will help you meditate, study or work at a deeper level.
If there is tension in the solar plexus, the energy is blocked at the lower three chakra & won’t be able to rise to the heart chakra.
The solar plexus is closely linked to the way we think.
Because yellow is linked with the solar plexus, it encourages us to think & stimulates our brain.
The crystals/gemstones to calm the solar plexus are emerald & sapphire.

When emerald is used on the solar plexus it can calm imbalances that are linked to diabetes, it can also be used for the eyes, liver & sinuses.

You can get sapphires in many different colours.
Use blue sapphire to calm the solar plexus.
It will open you up to higher spiritual realms by calming your physical body, it brings deep serenity & wisdom; it should be placed on the solar plexus, or held within the aura at a comfortable distance.
It regulates the endocrine system energetically & is great if you are going through a stressful time.
Crystals To Balance The Solar Plexus

Citrine is a great crystal for balancing the solar plexus.
You can use a cluster, small point or a tumble, try & buy tumbles that are clear yellow in colour, rather than dark treacle brown, as this has been heat treated & its power has been changed.
Citrine has a receptive vibration with pranic energy coming from the sun.
It cleanses, energises & warms.
Citrine balances the vibrational field so we can walk consciously on the earth.
A great way to activate the solar plexus is looking at the sun with your eyes half closed & visualise the energy being focused on the solar plexus & the rest of your body.
Solar Plexus Overview
Indian Name: Manipura
Associated Element: Fire
Symbol: Ten petaled lotus flower

Colour Of Petals: Yellow – gold
Indian God & Goddess: Lakini & Rudra

Indian Animal: Ram
Key Issues: Anxiety, fear, introversion & power
Energy Function: Converts pranic & solar energy
Physical Location: Between your belly button & the bottom of your sternum
Associated Spinal Area: Seventh & eighth thoracic vertebra
Physiological System: Digestive, metabolic
Endocrine Gland: Islets of Langerhans( groups of cells in your pancreas)
Nerve Plexus: Solar plexus
Activity: Movement
Body Sense: Sight
Inner Aspect: Opinion & personal power
Life Lesson: Honouring the wisdom of other people, leading to your personal empowerment
Physical Action: Digestion
Mental Action: Power
Emotional Action: Expansiveness
Spiritual Action: Growth
Gemstone To Energise: Topaz

Gemstone To Calm: Emerald & sapphire

Crystal To Balance: Citrine

Essential Oil: Sage

Planets: Moon & sun

Metals: Gold & Silver
Native American Animal: Birds

Colour To Balance/Energise: Golden yellow
Colour To Calm: Violet