Sacral Chakra Continued
Sacral Chakra Imbalances
If your sacral chakra is underactive, there may be an urge to overeat & be more sexually aroused than normal, this could end up giving you chronic skin conditions, disease, food intolerance, impotence & obesity.
An overactive sacral chakra can lead to confused sexuality, unless it’s balanced by the influence of the heart chakra.
Chakra teachings tell us to regain sacral (sacred) equilibrium through breathing exercises, dance, laughter – a good belly laugh, yoga & visualising orange light.
If you eat orange coloured food – carrots, mangoes, oranges & sweet potatoes it will help balance this important chakra.
The sacral chakra is responsible for developing the caring & home making qualities, in both men & women.
All relationships & family teamwork are functions of the sacral chakra & many emotions go through this chakra.
It’s important to be aware of a build up of stress levels in this area.
Many chakras work in pairs & physiologically your sacral chakra is linked to your throat chakra.
If your throat chakra is blocked, it will have a negative effect on your sacral chakra.
A healer will work on both chakras to bring them into balance.
The keyword for the sacral chakra is relationships on all levels.
Ancestral & Karmic Links
There are many different versions of Karma, in India it is said to be the continual wheel of birth, death & rebirth; sometimes it’s referred to as the law of cause & effect, or as you sow, so shall you reap.
Another definition of karma is an expression of the degree to which we have become separate from God.
Karma is closely linked to your sacral chakra, this is because it is said to carry memories of ancestral & family issues from past lives.
Sacral Chakra Overview
Sacral Chakra Overview
Indian Name: Svadisthana
Associated Element: Water
Symbol: Six petaled lotus flower
Colour Of Petals: Orange-gold
Indian God & Goddess: Vishnu & Rakini
Indian Animal: Makara – mythical creature that is half alligator half fish
Key Issues: Addiction, relationships & violence
Energy Function: Converts sexual energy
Physical Location: Upper part of sacrum, below your belly button
Associated Spinal Area: First lumbar vertebra
Physiological System: Genitourinary – genitals
Endocrine Glands: Adrenals
Nerve Plexus: Sacral
Activity: Excretion
Body Sense: Taste
Inner Aspect: Feeling
Life Lesson: Seeking meaningful relationships with all life forms
Physical Action: Reproduction
Mental Action: Creativity
Emotional Action: Joy
Spiritual Action: Enthusiasm
Gemstones To Energise: Fire opal & carnelian

Gemstone To Calm: Emerald

Crystals To Balance: Aquamarine & Moonstone

Essential Oil: Sandalwood
Planets: Mercury & Venus
Metals: Copper & Mercury
Native American Animal: All aquatic animals
Colour To Balance/Energise: Orange
Colours To Calm: Amber & peach