This is the 5th part of crystals you can use to heal & align your chakras & your overall well being
It can open your crown chakra, relieve stress & calm your mind.
Beryl – Golden (Heliodor)
It can open your crown chakra& strengthens your will.
It can help increase your intuition, imagination & creativity, it can also help you during meditation & when you are working with the spirit realm.
It can open your crown chakra & help you connect to the spirit realm better.
Bustamite with Sugilite
It can increase your spiritual & psychic awareness.
It can open your crown chakra, making it easier for you to accept new ideas.
Cacoxenite in Amethyst
It can help you release the parts of your shadow self that are no longer useful, helping you look on the bright side of life.
Calcite – Cobaltoan
It is good for helping you overcome emotional blockages.
Calcite – Stella Beam
It helps you break spiritual beliefs that no longer serve you & help you to move forward.
Calcite – White

It helps to clear stagnant & blocked energies from your energy fields.
The energy of White Calcite has a purifying effect on your chakric system & energy fields so that your energy is vibrating at a high level.
Cats Eye

It can make you emotionally stable, fortify your spirit & protect from all types of negativity; physical, energetic & emotional.

It can calm & sharpen your mind & improves your mental clarity.
This is a high vibration crystal.
It can help clear past & present blockages, so you can see the future more clearly.
Chalcedony – Grape
It can balance your mind, body & spirit & helps you to share meditation, your intuition & your dreams.
Chalcedony – Purple
It can help you improve your psychic abilities.
Chalcedony – White
It can get rid of negative emotions & thoughts & it can also align your mind, body, emotions & spirit.
It is good at clearing blockages, so you can meditate effectively.

It is good for balancing & opening the crown chakra.
It can also remove mental attachments.
Chrysanthemum Stone
It can help balance your physical & spiritual body.
When used during meditation, it can help you solve issues that are causing you to feel stuck.
It can open the crown chakra, improving your personal & spiritual power.
Chrysotile Serpentine
It can help you get rid of things that hurt you in the past.
This is a toxic crystal, only use as a tumblestone.
Chrysocolla (Gem Silica)
It can reduce mental tension & help you to keep calm.
Cinnabar in Quartz
It can clear energy blockages & aligns your chakras.
This is a toxic crystal, wash your hands are handling.
Only use as a tumblestone.
Citrine – Smokey
It can remove blockages from your spiritual path & purifies your etheric blueprint.
Citrine – Tourmalinated
It can give you inner strengthen & confidence & is very useful for healing your mind.
It can be useful to help you focus on what you are dealing with.