This is the 8th post on crystals you can use to heal & align your chakras & your overall well being
It can improve your intuition & cut harmful emotional or karmic ties.
It can clear karmic debris from your spiritual & physical body, restoring your power & energy.
Obsidian – Blue

It can help telepathic skills,it can help achieve mental clarity with disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia & multiple-personality confusion.
Obsidian – Electric Blue
It can improve your intuition & balance your energy fields.

It will bring energies of determination & concentration to you, & it will improve the space that you use for work, collaboration, strength, & concentration.
Okenite will make you understand the meaning of karmic debt so that you will be guided in your thoughts, words, & actions.

It can be use to improve your memory.
It will help you become more receptive to your cosmic consciousness & expand your level of awareness. It will enhance your psychic abilities & connection to your guardian angels.
It may also improve your abilities to reach the astral state to communicate with your spirit guides &ancient ancestors.
Phenacite – Clear
It is a powerful stone for clearing & activating the chakras, in particular the third eye.
Phenacite with Red Feldspar
It can open the third eye chakra & helps you clear your mind & gain insight.
It can balance your intuition, intellect & creativity
Quartz – Amethyst Elestial
It can improve your connection to the angels & your spirit guides.
Quartz – Amethyst – Sirius
It can help you understand your inner self.
Quartz – Brandenberg Amethyst
It can remove negative spiritual energy & thoughts.
This is a high vibration crystal.
Amethyst – Vera Cruz
It can improve your meditation & spiritual journeys.
Quartz – Amphibole
It can improve your connection to your spirit guides & the angels.
Quartz – Cathedral
It can connect your mind to the universal mind if you use it when you meditate.
Quartz – Champagne Aura
It can help you accept your shadow side.
Quartz – Elestial
It can help you get rid of emotional ties & confusion, it can also improve your spiritual abilities & awareness.
Quartz – Garden
It can connect you to the earths energy from your crown to your base chakra.
Quartz – Golden Healer

Golden Healer Quartz has the ability to clean everything in your auric field, filling it with golden healing light.
These crystals are master healers, accessing the highest vibration of light your human body can receive & sustain, raising your body’s frequency to dissolve & release blocks or foreign energies.
Quartz – Harlequin
It can act as a bridge between the physical & spiritual worlds.
Quartz – Micalated
It can help you break compulsive habits.
Quartz – Phantom
It can help you connect to your spirit guides.
Quartz – Rutilated (Angel Hair)

A stone graced by the golden locks of angels, rutilated quartz is an effective antidepressant because it heals emotional wounds, clearing the way to a spiritual awakening.
Quartz – Siberian Blue
It can help to reduce anxiety & can improve your telepathy.